Haley Delivery
shopping and last mile delivery
Haley Grocery and goods Service
For personal shopping, Aldi to Target: Find us on the Dumpling App! Get the same personal shopper every time if you choose. You can shop multiple stores in one trip, from almost any store that accepts credit cards. All costs are transparent. You pay the same price for your items as you would at the store, plus a delivery fee and tip. All deliveries are made by custom cargo tricycle for zero carbon, dependable, true door to door service. The trikes can handle a large grocery cart, completely filled.
Business deliveries and vending
Have you considered delivering your products in Philadelphia? Schedule a trike to deliver from business to business, or directly to customers all around Philly. Tricycles can also be leased for deliveries with your own crew, or for events. The trikes can move 13 cubic feet inside the box, and up to 260 pounds of cargo. They can also vend at private events, farmers markets, etc.. If you’re delivering donated items, you can borrow the trike for free. Contact us for more information.
Want to Ride?
Want to ride? We help set you up on delivery apps, and train you on shopping, riding and delivery skills. You develop your own customer base over time, so quality and care is required and rewarded. Daily tricycle use is a low flat fee. Some orders are next day, so you can plan efficient trips with no down time between orders, and pick up on-demand jobs for the rest of a shift. You don’t have to be a serious cyclist to learn to ride, and they’re designed for serious cargo carrying, a lot of weight handles nicely inside. Each tricycle is a rolling advertisement for every rider, helping gain customers for all. Contact us for details.